Ward 4 Neighbourhood Resiliency Maps

Back in January, 2017, Green 13 hosted the inaugural “Ward 13/14 Roundtable on Community Preparedness for Extreme Weather Events”.

Among the presenters were map makers Jose A. La O and Santessa Henriques, from CREW (Community Resilience to Extreme Weather), who unveiled the very innovative, exciting mapping on which they had been working for months, a “Story Map”, or Neighbourhood Resiliency Map of Wards 13/14, now Ward 4.

 View Ward 4 Neighbourhood Resiliency Maps here: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=178eea85c5db42729e8df18c7c8ccd48

You can learn more about Green 13’s past events pertaining to community preparedness for extreme weather events here:


Learn more about CREW here: https://crewresilience.ca